Section: New Results

Audio-Visual Speaker Detection, Localization, and Diarization

Any multi-party conversation system benefits from speaker diarization, that is, the assignment of speech signals among the participants. More generally, in HRI and CHI scenarios it is important to recognize the speaker over time. We propose to address speaker detection, localization and diarization using both audio and visual data. We cast the diarization problem into a tracking formulation whereby the active speaker is detected and tracked over time. A probabilistic tracker exploits the spatial coincidence of visual and auditory observations and infers a single latent variable which represents the identity of the active speaker. Visual and auditory observations are fused using our recently developed weighted-data mixture model [25], while several options for the speaking turns dynamics are fulfilled by a multi-case transition model. The modules that translate raw audio and visual data into image observations are also described in detail. The performance of the proposed method are tested on challenging data-sets that are available from recent contributions which are used as baselines for comparison [26].






Figure 3. This figure illustrates the audiovisual tracking and diarization method that we have recently developed. First row: A number is associated with each tracked person. Second row: diarization result. Third row: the ground truth diarization. Fourth row: acoustic signal recorded by one of the two microphones.